Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ni'cko helping

After a long week with very busy second graders there were many papers to grade. Ni'cko thought he would lend a helping paw.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nutrition with Mrs. Dunn

Every Wednesday Mrs. Dunn comes to our class from UNH Cooperative to teach us about nutrition. She always brings a wonderful book to share, a letter for our families, and a yummy snack for us to try new foods.  This week we learned about where milk comes from and how it gets to our table. We ate yummy yogurt parfaits made with plain yogurt, berries, and granola.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 25th Husky News

Along with the Husky News your child brought home a Valentine party paper, 100th day of school project, and multicultural day sign up.  Your child will have projects out for you to view at the Multicultural Night. We will begin our study of England soon.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Time

We had such a busy month making gifts for family and friends. Our Christmas party was magical and we all enjoyed our day relaxing in our pajamas. We hope you enjoy our short movie of our final day before vacation.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Perfect Attendance Award

Today Mr. Hoyt came in and awarded some students with a perfect attendance award.  This means they were never absent or tardy to school. I have been very pleased with the attendance for my class this term.  Most days I have perfect attendance. 

Sorting Day

After taking a sorting quiz and learning about the four houses at Hogwarts we have all been sorted into a house.  We have our Gryffindor House, Hufflepuff House, Slytherin House, and the Ravenclaw House.  The children's first task is to color their house crest.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quidditch game in December

With this wonderful weather we have been having we were able to enjoy a few great games of quidditch. The children have learned the rules and are able to use strategies for scoring goals and getting the great Golden Snitch. I know all too soon our fields will be covered in snow. So while we are able to get out and play the game we will.
The Pink Ladies played great games!!
Our minions

A little Christmas cheer while playing quidditch

Even a couple cute puppy dogs played a great game!