Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Twas the night before school and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  Well maybe  I was stirring thinking about my new students and hoping my last year students would remember what I taught them and have a great first day.  I was up earlier than I had intended so I spent some time drinking my cup of coffee and reading my last book on my summer list.  When at last it was time for the children to get up, breakfast to be on the table, and lunches packed.  Where, oh, where did my summer vacation go?  And finally it is that time and my students are eagerly entering the room and have no idea what to do.  This is the moment I do believe all teachers wish they had looped with their previous years class.  The new children quickly learned where things went and what to do.  Morning Meeting was a great time to learn about who my children are and what their attention span is at this time.  Soon after lunch, because most of August we were in an Arctic chill, now that we are in school it is 95 degrees in our classroom.  The day ended and I received many hugs and saw wonderful Facebook posts describing the wonderful day their child had in second grade.  So onto planning and preparing for day two which would just so happen to be the second day of second grade which we all know is the BEST!!  However it was then that I realized it was going to be even hotter on day two.  Quick to thought I looked through my freezer to be deeply disapointed all the freeze pops were gone.  I guess they went during summer vacation.  Plan two was to get on Facebook at persuade one of my moms to send in freeze pops.  Yes it is day two and I am already calling in favors!!  Don't judge me!!  I wasn't able to shop since I was in my PJ's before 6:30pm.  Might I remind you it was 95 in my classroom and I was dripping wet.

Second Day of Second Grade

Today started off very well in the Weaver household as my husband and I prepared nice healthy lunches for our two children.  It was perfect and we were done in no time.  Teamwork!!  I took that thought all the way to my classroom.  The kids knew where to put their backpacks, began working on the Morning Meeting Door, and were ready to go over their answers.  Morning Meeting was great and we played Hot and Cold with a new stuffed husky that was a gift from one of my new students.  We found out how to choose the perfect rock, found our own personal special rock, and then wrote a paragraph about our special rock. Soon after lunch we were all dripping wet again from the heat but I have something cool and refreshing planned for science.  We are learning about solids, liquids, and gas so we began with ice cubes.  All we needed to do was put it in our hands and we had liquid almost immediately.  The children were making wonderful puddles all over the tables.  I had one student that was blowing on his ice to watch it melt.  We did need to heat water up in the microwave to create the gas.  Then it was time for freeze pops and watermelon provided by my amazing moms that I do believe felt sorry for us.  The children were all refreshed and ready to learn about bucket filling soon after snack.  We sang the song "I'm a Bucket Filler" to get ready for music. One more day and our first week is in the books as a wonderful first week of school.