Sunday, April 13, 2014

Donors Choose

Our class is trying to raise funds through Donors Choose for a class iPad. For the next four days the money we raise will be doubled with the code "inspire". Use this code in the promo code area and the amount you donate is doubled. We can make this happen with the help of you. Go to our link on this blog for our donors choose project. Thank you for your help.
Our link is

After six days of our project being on Donors Choose we have raised $645.00.  We still need help raising the last $341.00 so that we can use our IPad in fun, educational, stimulating, activities after vacation.  If you haven't had a chance, please go on to the donors choose website and be sure to use the promo code INSPIRE so that your donation is matched by our matching donor funds.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Day I Lost my Voice

As the day went on, and I taught more and more lessons, I found it was getting harder and harder to talk. By the time the kids came back from recess I was left with barely any voice left. I made quick changes to how I was going to review for our math test but I couldn't figure out how to read to the class. I could skip this but we are going to watch Charlotte's Web soon so we really need to finish this book. I looked around the room and found a helper student who was more than willing and capable to step in and read to the class.  I am now sitting on the couch drinking my lemon tea resting my voice. I really hope it returns by tomorrow.

Reese Reading to the Class

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Messages to Mason

While Mason was away winning the overall gold medal at USASA's Nationals we made a movie for him. We are all proud of his highest level of dedication and achievement. Great job Mason and we can't wait to see you next week.

                                                                                                      National Champion
                                                                                               Mason 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mason's adventures

Day 5
My day was UNBELIEVABLE and wicked FUN. I had 18 competitors in my group. My event that I had was Slopestyle. The course was really fun and awesome. My first was good but then my second run I laid the smack down and went bigger then I ever had. Slopestyle is a judged event. It has two parts first you are judged on rails and features. The second part is jumps. The judges look at amplitude and style.My first run was a 56 my second score was a 77.67. We thought that I got third place but I got silver!!!  The kid that beat me by 2 points his name was Kade Martin. 

                                                  Day 6
Today I had boardercross and it was fun. I was second in time trials. Cooper Provencher beat me by fractions. I won my heat by a long shot. In my semi final I went down right at the finish and got third. I had to get second to advance into the finals. I got fifth because I had to go through the consolation round.  I was very sad and mad. However, I know in my heart I should have been in the finals and on the podium. That's Boardercross for you the fast guy does not always win. I am still happy to have gotten 5th.   My new friend Copper Provencher won the race and he is from Vermont. I have beat him before.

                                                    Day 7

Today, I had Slalom. It was a good day. We think I got third but it is not official until we go to awards later today. I had one really good run and one run I fell on. I feel really bad for my brother, Tyler. He should have been on the podium today too. He fell and missed a gate. He had to hike and get back around one of the gates. He kicked but on his second run! I will let you know tomorrow where I placed.

My class is the best and thanks for all the support!!!! See you all soon....... Mason