Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Lilly Heads to Disney for Halloween

Our friend Lilly went on an adventure to Disney for Halloween.  We are excited to hear how her trip is going.

Hi Mrs. Weaver
I have been so busy doing all kinds of fun stuff with my family. We are at my grand-pa Jacks and Nana's in Leesburg Florida. We were at Disney first. I went on tower of terror at Hollywood studios and loved it. I will see you soon. Miss you

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     Lilly with her favorite characters from Frozen.          Lilly and her brother with Mini Mouse.

Mrs. Weaver,

We had fun at Disney and we went to a festival and I got my first henna tattoo with my mom.
I had so much fun!

Cool Tattoos

I am so glad Lilly and her family were able to take this family vacation and discover Disney World. Family time is always meaningful and priceless.  Our children grow up so fast its nice to watch them grow and discover the world around them.  But a little silly time in Disney I am sure was had by the Gula Family.  Glad it was a wonderful trip and I will be excited to hear all about it when Lilly returns.